July 8, 2020 |

Officials at Carbon County Public Health say they anticipate the number of positive COVID-19 cases to climb following the 4th of July holiday weekend. In an update given to the Board of Carbon County Commissioners yesterday, Public Health Nurse Amanda Brown explained her office will soon be hiring a COVID-19 case investigator to free up some of the nursing staff. Cali O’Hare reports.

At the end of the day Tuesday, the state department of health announced that a Carbon County resident had tested positive for the virus. In a written statement, infected person was described as an adult female over the age of 50. The person will be quarantined and contact tracing will be conducted.

Using information from the Wyoming Department of Health, Carbon County now has four known active cases of the virus. None of the infected people have required hospitalization.

Click here for the most recent updates from the Wyoming Department of Health

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