February 23, 2023 |

WYDOT reported Wednesday that drifting has been so bad on some highways, including 287 north of Rawlins, that rotary plows have been used to clear a path.

Even portions of I-80 and I-25, which have experienced extended closures recently, have been closed while the slow-moving rotary plows eat through long, densely compacted snow drifts. Rotary plows typically are reserved to open seasonally closed highway, like 130 over the Snowy Range.

The state highway department also reported that the lengthy closures have resulted in an increase in gate runners, impatient travelers who ignore barriers and attempt to drive on closed roadways. The result is usually the same. Gate runners usually become stuck and stranded in drifts, compounding the work of highway crews.

Saratoga Police Chief Mike Morris said vehicle that ran the gate on Wyoming 130 Wednesday night did not make it to their destination. Chief Morris said the driver was ticketed for the offense.

Pictured above: Photo from Elk Mountain/Arlington Area WYDOT maintenance supervisor. WYDOT crews are working to cut back major drifts on I-80, this one is at mile marker 250 near Halleck Ridge. Photo via WYDOT District 1 – Southeast Wyoming/Facebook.

WYDOT reminds travelers to give WYDOT plows plenty of room to work. Use caution if passing; the road behind an active plow is the safest.

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