June 30, 2023 |

Photo – Teense Wilford and Congresswoman Harriet Hageman at PVCC Town Hall Meeting – by Matt Copeland Bigfoot99

Congresswoman Harriet Hageman stopped in Saratoga earlier this week for a town hall meeting.

On Wednesday evening, a standing room crowd welcomed the congresswoman at the Platte Valley Community Center.  More than 50 people came to hear Hageman, Wyoming’s recently elected congresswoman. Local legend Teense Willford introduced the congresswoman. Willford said Hageman was putting the needs of the state before everything else.

Congresswoman Hageman began her address by saying she was keeping her campaign promise of visiting every county in the state at least once a year. The congresswoman said talking with her constituents is the best way to ensure she was properly representing the people’s needs.

Congresswoman Hageman talked about the congressional committees on which she serves. She said she was working in Washington to protect the fundamental individual rights our Founding Fathers fought to guarantee.

Congresswoman Hageman said information has recently been uncovered about President Joe Biden. The congresswoman accused the Biden administration of being in bed with the People’s Republic of China.

Hageman said in her role on the Judiciary Committee, she has questioned controversial figures, such as former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan. She said both men had signed a 2020 letter stating the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was part of a Russian disinformation campaign, and not the real correspondence of President Biden’s son. Congresswoman Hageman said she was dissatisfied with the former intelligence directors’ answers and will continue searching for the truth.

Congresswoman said she was chosen to be the chairman of the Subcommittee of Indian and Insular Affairs, which oversees the 574 federally recognized Indian tribes. The congresswoman said she will participate in contract negotiations with strategically important islands in the south Pacific.

Congresswoman Hageman talked about how the National Forest Service’s roadless rule, limiting road construction and logging on nearly 60 million acres of national forest land, has increased the number of destructive wildfires and aided in the spread of the mountain pine beetle.

The congresswoman said she spoke to the heads of the Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior. Congresswoman Hageman said she asked why they are pushing policies that negatively affected the state.

Congresswoman Hageman also spoke about how she is working on a bill to allow native tribes to lease their land for 99 years. The current law only permits tribes to lease reservation land for 25 years. The congresswoman said no one would invest in infrastructure spending for such a short period of time. She said the tribes can petition the Secretary of the Interior for a lease extension. Congresswoman Hageman said she met with a tribal leader who said after 22 years, he still hadn’t received a decision from the federal government on a petition he had filed. The congresswoman said the government would do best for the native population by loosening regulations on reservation land.

The congresswoman also spoke about supporting a bill that would force the Biden administration to begin issuing permits for coal production again. Congresswoman Hageman said she also worked on a bill to strengthen our southern border. She mentioned another bill permitting parents to have the right to have a say in their children’s education.

Saratoga resident Nancy Ford asked the congresswoman if social security is under threat. Congresswoman Hageman said social security, along with Medicare and Medicaid, was among the costliest budget items for the federal government. She said more people need to be encouraged to work and contribute to the social security fund. The congresswoman said she supported a bill that required people receiving government assistance to work.

Congresswoman Hageman said one of biggest problems in government are which enjoy indefinite funding. The congresswoman said Congress’s power comes from controlling the nation’s purse strings. She said her branch of government gave up its ability to effectively govern in the 1970’s.

The congresswoman said she will work hard to return power to the Capital Building. Congresswoman Hageman said the legislative branch had the most accountability to the American people and should keep the executive branch in check by overseeing government spending.

Congresswoman Hageman was asked if the country can survive the constant attacks by the current administration. The congresswoman said our nation’s prosperity has caused people to fabricate victimhood and invent problems where none exist. Using the 1960’s as an example, Congresswoman Hageman said the country goes through a cultural upheaval every 50 years. She said people are beginning to stand up to the progressive nonsense.

The takeaway from the town hall meeting was that Congresswoman Hageman was focused on protecting states’ rights of economic independence by limiting government overreach. She also is working to ensure the rights of our native peoples. The congresswoman said she is fighting to protect our Constitutional rights.

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