July 17, 2023 |

Photo – Carbon County School District #2 – Bigfoot99 file photo

The future of the Elk Mountain school house will be discussed Tuesday night at a Carbon County School District #2 meeting.

Superintendent Darrin Jennings and Elk Mountain School Principal Jackie Jones will hold the meeting to garner public input on next steps. With no students enrolled for the upcoming school year, the discussion will focus on the details of what to do with the school.

Jennings said tomorrow’s meeting also will cover what to do with the money raised by the Elk Mountain Parent Teacher Organization. Jennings said the PTO did a lot of fundraising last year and he is seeking community feedback on what to do with the money.

Jennings said Elk Mountain kids might attend the town’s elementary school in the future. However, he said because parents can choose what school their children will attend, students are being enrolled out of town.

Jennings said the Elk Mountain School would still have a use, even without students actively attending. The school superintendent said the building could be used as a remote learning center when weather makes it impossible to transport students to Hanna.

Sources tell Bigfoot99 that Elk Mountain officials are convinced that the district will close the school. Unconfirmed reports state that the unused elementary school would be used to supplement the town’s other services, such as being used as a senior center or town council chambers. Superintendent Jennings said the fate of the school is out of his hands. Jennings said tomorrow night’s meeting is simply to inform residents of the options available for a school building that has no students enrolled.

Carbon County School District 2’s meeting is set for Tuesday evening, July 18, in the Elk Mountain School, at 202 Veterans Street. The meeting begins at 6:00pm.

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