March 7, 2024 |

Photo – Wyoming State Flag – Courtesy Britaccania

Governor Mark Gordon has ordered the Wyoming State Flag be flown at half-staff at the Capitol in Cheyenne and in Carbon County from sunrise to sunset on Friday, March 8 in honor and memory of Pat O’Toole.

Mr. O’Toole represented Carbon County in the Wyoming House of Representatives from 1987-1992. He passed away February 25, 2024.

Governor Gordon offered the following statement: “My friend Pat was a true champion of agriculture and the environment. He worked tirelessly throughout his life to protect Wyoming’s water, especially in the Colorado river drainage. His work with the Family Farm Alliance, of which he was a tireless advocate, was immensely influential nationwide. Wyoming owes Pat and his family a debt of gratitude. We lost a good one.”

Please note that this notice is only for the Wyoming State Flag and only at two locations in the state – at the Capitol Building and in Carbon County. Other flags should remain at full-staff.

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