July 30, 2024 |

Photo – Logo for Digger’s Drive-in – Courtesy Med Bow Rec Board

Despite the unpredictable weather, the Medicine Bow Recreation Board held the first showing at its outdoor drive-in theater.

On Saturday night, on the field of the public park on Cottonwood Street, people gathered in their vehicles at the Diggers Drive-In to watch the 1978 romantic, musical comedy, Grease, starring John Travolta and Olivia Newton John.

Medicine Bow Recreation Board Chairwoman Jacque George said technical problems and the weather briefly delayed the first showing at the newly constructed drive-in theater. Thanks to the help of local business owners, George said they were eventually able to begin the movie. The rec board chairwoman said despite the issues, people seemed to enjoy the experience.

George said the rec board is considering ways to make the drive-in theater better, such as building a permanent movie screen. The cloth screen was too susceptible to the wind, said George.

George said approximately 25 vehicles attended the first Diggers Drive-In outdoor movie screening. However, George said that number does not account for multiple people in each vehicle.

The movie’s sound was transmitted through the car radios. After some fine-tuning by her husband, Medicine Bow Mayor Justin George, people began to hear the film clearly.

George said the rec board chose to show the movie Grease because of the first annual Mild to Wild Car Show, which also took place on Saturday. While the rec board hasn’t decided what the next film will be, George said she is pushing for a more family friendly movie.

Now that the drive-in theater is a proven concept, George said the Medicine Bow Recreation Board is planning to include a movie in its Halloween activities. George said the board hasn’t decided on what film to show, but she offered two suggestions.

However, if it snows on Halloween, George said the drive-in theater may not be accessible.

The drive-in movie is offered free of charge by the Medicine Bow Recreation Board. To supplement the board’s budget, concessions were sold during the screening. George said money generated through concession sales will be used to fund future events.

George said rec board members and Medicine Bow residents volunteered to work the drive-in and sell concessions. The rec board chairwoman said volunteers are crucial to ensuring these types of activities can continue.

George said she is hoping to have the next Diggers Drive-In movie screening some time in August. She asked anyone interested in volunteering for recreation board events to contact the Medicine Bow Town Hall.

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