August 1, 2024 |

Photo – Map of the River Street project in Saratoga – Courtesy Town of Saratoga

In Saratoga, work is progressing on the River Street water line replacement project, according to the town’s public works director.

In 2019, voters approved the 6th Penny Special Purpose Tax to fund infrastructure improvements across Carbon County. In Saratoga, voters approved replacing the existing water mains running beneath the North Platte River, Spring Avenue, and River Street.

In 2022, Rock Springs contractor Lewis and Lewis was hired to begin the first phase of the water main replacement project under Spring Avenue. Equipment issues and ground water flooding the project trench in front of Town hall caused extensive delays as crews developed a work-around. The contracted completion of date of fall 2022 was not met. The water line replacement project was finally completed last summer.

In June of this year, Cheyenne-based Rocky Mountain Sand and Gravel was hired to complete the next phase of the water main replacement project: River Street. Penner said the job is more than halfway done.

In 2022, Lewis and Lewis, the contractor, ran into unexpected delays caused by underground water. The problem got so bad that the town council voted to withhold hundreds of thousands of dollars from the contractor until the job was finished.

As with most construction projects, Penner said the current contractor, Rocky Mountain Sand and Gravel, has also run into unexpected issues. However, the public works director said he is happy with how the contractor is performing the job.

Penner said he expects the water line replacement project to be completed by the end of this month. After the project is finished, Rocky Mountain Sand and Gravel will lay a protective chip seal layer along South River Street. However, delays are not out of the question, said Penner.

The River Street water line replacement project is just one of Saratoga’s seven listed 6th Penny Tax projects. Penner said he intends to finish every voter approved project as soon as possible.

Penner said since the COVID era, the cost of all the 6th Penny Tax projects have significantly increased. However, thanks to several grants, such as the American Rescue Plan Act, Saratoga should have enough money to complete everything on the list.

High inflation has put certain projects out of reach for some municipalities. In Rawlins, the Edinburgh Street repair project went from an estimated cost of $2.3 million in 2021 to $8.6 million now. Penner said Saratoga’s River Street water line replacement project was not immune to inflation. What started as a $1.4 million job has increased to nearly $2 million. Penner said he’s had to scale back the project to keep costs down.

Penner said Saratoga’s River Street water line replacement project should be finished by this fall. After the job is finished, Penner said he will begin a sewer project on the west side of town and look for a home for a new water storage tank.

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