August 9, 2024 |

Photo – Dr. Mark Miller’s newest book – Courtesy Dr. Mark Miller

Carbon County native and former Wyoming State Archaeologist Dr. Mark Miller spoke to Bigfoot99 about his new memoir, A Sometimes Paradise.

On his website, Dr. Miller states that he was raised on his family’s Carbon County ranch and worked there for 32 years. After receiving his PhD in anthropology, Dr. Miller became Wyoming State Archaeologist, a position he held for three decades, before retiring in 2014.

In May, Dr. Miller published his latest book, A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family. Miller said the book details the experience of growing up on his family’s ranch north of Saratoga.

Dr. Miller said growing up on the 160,000-acre ranch wasn’t always easy. Due to the remote location of his family’s property, local law enforcement was not always available to protect their cattle from rustlers.

Working on the family ranch also taught Dr. Miller many lessons. One of the hardest lessons to learn, Miller said, was realizing he couldn’t perform every task by himself. The author said running a large ranch requires a substantial amount of teamwork.

Dr. Miller said his fondest memories of growing up involve his grandfather, Kirk Miller. The author said his grandfather would take him and his cousins on adventures around the family ranch.

In the 1970’s, Dr. Miller began attending the University of Wyoming. While there, his father asked him not to major in agriculture, saying there was no future in farming. Instead, Dr. Miller said an encounter with then Wyoming State Archaeologist Dr. George Frison sparked his interest in history.

Twelve years later, following Dr. Frison’s retirement, Dr. Miller became the state archaeologist. During that time, Dr. Miller studied archaeological sites across Wyoming. Here in Carbon County, the author returned to the site where he first met Dr. Frison and conducted more research on the ancient corral. Dr. Miller said bison corral sites in this area are rare.

Dr. Miller describes these stories, and more, in A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family. The author said he dedicated his new book to his parents and grandfather. Dr. Miller said his memoir explains how people learn similar life lessons through different experiences.

A Sometimes Paradise: Reflections on Life in a Wyoming Ranch Family is available to purchase online at and at the Grand Encampment Museum. Dr. Miller will be at the Grand Encampment Museum to sign his latest book on Tuesday, August 20th.

Dr. Miller has also authored two other books: Big Nose George: His Troublesome Trail and Hollow Victory: The White River Expedition of 1879 and the Battle of Milk Creek.

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