NOVEMBER 5, 2024|
Photo – Overhead view of VFW Baseball Fields in Rawlins – Courtesy City of Rawlins
The Rawlins governing body reversed course, earlier this month, on providing a concession stand for the city’s Little League baseball fields.
During the October 1st Rawlins city council meeting, Parks and Recreation Director Nikki Howell explained that years of neglect has made the four city-owned Little League ball fields, located north of the Carbon County Fairgrounds, unsafe. Howell proposed several drainage and asphalt improvements needed to bring the fields back into playable condition.
In August, the city tore down the dilapidated concession stand in the center of the four baseball fields. At the October 1st meeting, Rawlins Little League President Dawn Acre informed the city council that most of the non-profit organization’s revenue comes from food and snack sales. By removing the concession stand, Arce said the city has limited Little League’s ability to generate revenue.
Parks and Rec Director Howell suggested purchasing either a new food storage shed or trailer to replace the Little League concession stand.
Councilman Chris Weisenburg said he supports funding recreation opportunities for residents. However, Weisenburg said the previous concession stand should have been repaired rather than torn down. The councilman said the city isn’t obligated to provide the Little League organization with a new food storage shed or trailer.
Howell offered to meet with the Rawlins Little League board members and discuss a more agreeable solution for food sales.
The city council appears to have changed their minds about providing a place for Little League to sell food. At the October 15th meeting, Mayor Terry Weickum said he and Councilman Bruce Seilaff agree that a concession stand is an important part of the Little League baseball fields.
Mayor Weickum stated the concession stand is important to the Little League fields. The mayor said the governing body supports the idea.
Mayor Weickum instructed City Manager Tom Sarvey to continue investigating the cost of building a new concession stand at the baseball fields. The mayor said the council must ensure that whatever solution they come up with benefits both the city and the Little League organization.