NOVEMBER 14, 2024|

Photo – Senator John Barrasso – Bigfoot99 file photo

Wyoming Senator John Barrasso was elected to the No. 2 leadership role in the United States Senate on Wednesday. Barrasso received the honor from fellow senators who elected Barrasso to Majority Whip as Republicans prepare to take a majority leadership role in January.

“I want to thank the people of Wyoming for their support and for allowing me to continue serving our state in the United States Senate,” Barrasso said in a press release. “I want to thank my Republican colleagues for their confidence and their vote today. It is my honor to serve them as assistant majority leader.”

Barrasso was reelected in Wyoming earlier this year by landslide margins in both the primary and general elections.

Barrasso had been the chair of the Senate Republican Conference, the No. 3 role, since 2018.

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