MARCH 11, 2025|
Photo – Wyoming 250 Task Force logo – Courtesy State of Wyoming
July 4th, 2026 marks the 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The United States National Parks Service is offering millions of dollars in grants to help states celebrate the occasion.
Here in Wyoming, Governor Mark Gordon established the Wyoming Semi Quincentennial Planning Task Force to distribute the federal grant money around the state.
In early February, the Board of Carbon County Commissioners declared the county’s intention to participate in the 250th anniversary celebrations. The board asked museum directors Tom Mensik, Tim Nicklas, Angie Hobbs, and Lela Emmons to form a committee with local author Candy Moulton.
The intention of forming the group was to ensure Carbon County is eligible to receive funding for the project.
At last week’s Carbon County Commissioners meeting, Moulton told the board that the five-member “250 Committee” had met once. During the meeting, the members created a strategic vision and set of goals for how the committee should operate.
Moulton told the commissioners that the 250 Committee has submitted a $10,000 grant request to the state. The next step is for the Wyoming Semi Quincentennial Planning Task Force to consider the county’s grant application.
Moulton said Wyoming State Parks Deputy Director Nick Neylon explained that the state wants to distribute the grant money to counties for their 250th anniversary celebrations. The Carbon County 250 Committee member said her group’s plan meets the state’s funding requirements and is likely to be approved.
Shortly after the Carbon County 250 Committee was formed, the state task force announced another round of grant opportunities for communities, non-profits, and non-government organizations. Moulton said the 250 Committee has already received grant requests from local museums.
Moulton said the state requires the 250 Community to review all community applications to ensure they fit the grant criteria.
Community and non-profit organizations may request between $2,500 and $25,000 for their 250th anniversary celebration preparations. Moulton said she would like more local organizations to take advantage of the grant opportunity.
Moulton said county organizations have until the end of 2025 to submit their grant applications.
Meanwhile, Carbon County Museum Director Tom Mensik is working with the Platte Valley Chamber of Commerce on a digital newsletter. Moulton said online bulletins are the quickest and easiest way to distribute information around the county.
Moulton said the main goal of the 250 Committee is to create a documentary about Carbon County. With a projected cost of $60,000 to produce, Moulton said the committee will ask the community for donations of time and money.
Moulton said the film will not only serve as a celebration of America’s 250th anniversary, but also to attract tourists to Carbon County. The 250 Committee also plans to offer the film to every school and museum in the county.
Moulton said ideally, the 250 Committee would like to air the documentary film on television.
Carbon County’s 250th anniversary celebrations are scheduled to take place on July 10th, 2026, at Depot Park in Rawlins. Moulton said the date was chosen because it corresponds with Wyoming Statehood Day.