September 6, 2024 |

Photo – US Flag – Bigfoot99 file photo

The governing body of Saratoga has agreed to accept donated flags for Bridge Avenue.

During Tuesday’s Saratoga town council meeting, American Legion Auxiliary President Fran Payne-Rogers said her organization wishes to donate flags to the town. Payne-Rogers said her and the other American Legion members would like the flags to fly on the light poles along Bridge Avenue.

Payne-Rogers informed the governing body that the town of Saratoga owns the light poles.

The American Legion Auxiliary President said she needs the council’s approval because town workers will be expected to install the flags. Payne-Rogers said she would like the flags to be flown during patriotic holidays.

The flags will be installed on the same light poles used by the school to display the graduating class.

The council voted to accept the donated flags with the stipulation that town employees will set them up during certain holidays. Mayor Chuck Davis asked Payne-Rogers to tell Public Works Director Emery Penner when she would like the flags to be flown.

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