January 22, 2024 |

Photo – Open chain link fencing vs slatted chain link – Bigfoot99 file photo

The city of Rawlins is seeking public input on its fencing ordinance. Since August of 2021, Rawlins officials have been working on the city’s zoning ordinance, called Title 19. The community development department is debating whether junk and salvage yards operating within city limits should continue to be required to have an eight-foot-tall opaque fence surrounding their properties.

At the November 21st Rawlins city council special meeting, Community Development Director Lou Lascano said the plastic slats, needed to prevent people from seeing through the fences, cause problems with the wind.

Before making a decision on the amended fence ordinance, the city council chose to collect input from the public.

At the January 16th, Rawlins city council meeting, Interim City Attorney Pinita Mayberry said community development is asking for the public’s input on the city’s Title 19 fencing requirement. Attorney Mayberry said the amended ordinance will affect junk, salvage, and wreckage yards the most.

City attorney Mayberry said residents have until February 20th to submit their comments. The city attorney said Public Information Officer Mira Miller is spreading the word about the Title 19 amendment comment period. Mayberry said the public can provide feedback in a variety of ways.

Mayberry said when the February 20th deadline passes, community development will take the public’s comments and make a recommendation to the city council. Mayberry said additional workshops and meetings may be required to finalize any Title 19 fence ordinance changes.

On Friday, January 19th, the city released an official statement containing information about the Title 19 public comment period. In the statement, the city said Title 19 is, “related to fencing requirements for tow, impound, junk/salvage/wreckage, and self-storage businesses. This also impacts businesses storing three or more inoperable vehicles, even if they are in the process of repair, as these are storage lots incident to the business.”

The statement continues, saying, “The written public comments will be reviewed by staff, Board of Adjustments, Planning and Zoning Commission, and City Council as the City works to update these ordinances. To review all proposed changes and to submit public comment, please visit www.rawlinswy.gov/comment. The proposed changes and comments can also be viewed at the Public Works office, located at 915 3rd Street, and written comments may be submitted in person, through email, or by US Mail.”

For more information about the city’s amended Title 19 fencing ordinance or the public comment period, contact Rawlins Public Information Officer Mira Miller at 328-4500 extension 1022.

All public comments must be submitted by February 20th.

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