August 22, 2024|

Photo – Fire Protection District logo – Bigfoot99 file photo

Representatives from the Carbon County Fire Protection District explained how their partnership with Medicine Bow will function.

In November of 2022, Carbon County residents voted to establish a taxpayer-funded county-wide fire protection district. The fire district provides emergency coverage for all unincorporated areas of Carbon County.

The fire protection district began responding to fires on July 1st. Despite the organization being operational, contracts with all participating municipalities must still be created.

During the August 12th Medicine Bow town council meeting, Carbon County Fire Protection District Interim Fire Chief John Rutherford explained that the local fire department already has a contract with the county to respond to emergencies outside of town. Rutherford said the fire protection district does not intend to nullify the existing contract.

Rutherford presented a new contract between the town of Medicine Bow and the fire protection district. The interim fire chief said the most obvious change to the existing agreement is related to dispatching services.

Rutherford explained that the contract requires the Medicine Bow Fire Department to respond to out-of-town fires when necessary. However, if doing so leaves the town without adequate fire protection, Rutherford said the fire department may choose not to participate.

If Medicine Bow firefighters do assist with an out-of-town emergency, Rutherford said the town will be financially compensated. The compensation rates were agreed upon by county, state, and federal fire wardens.

Rutherford said firefighting personnel will be paid based on their “Red Card” status. Issued by the Wyoming State Forestry Division, a “Red Card” qualifies a person to fight wildland fires with a federal agency or on federal land.

After responding to an emergency in the county, Rutherford said Medicine Bow Fire Chief Ed Standish will simply write down how many personnel and pieces of equipment responded to the fire. The information is then sent to the fire protection district for reimbursement.

The town will decide how the reimbursement money is spent. Rutherford said most municipalities invest the funding back into their fire departments.

The interim fire chief said the fire protection district lacks the funding to create all new fire stations around the county. Even if they did, Rutherford said they would end up using the same firefighters as the towns. Instead, reimbursing the local fire departments makes the most financial sense, said Rutherford.

When Medicine Bow firefighters are responding to an out-of-town emergency, Rutherford said the fire protection district contract allows Medicine Bow firefighters to be relieved after four hours. That way, the town won’t be left completely unprotected, said Rutherford.

Rutherford said the fire protection district will respond to emergencies in Medicine Bow for free. The interim fire chief said in-town calls for the fire district will be rare.

Medicine Bow Fire Chief Standish said his department responded to 40 out-of-town emergency calls last year. Chief Standish said cooperating with the fire protection district will give Medicine Bow firefighters much needed experience.

Mayor Justin George said he’ll have the town attorney review the Carbon County Fire Protection District contract before signing.

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