Rawlins hosts candidate forum
The Carbon County Higher Education Center will host two nights of local candidate forums next week as part of the run-up to next month’s primary election. Cali O’Hare has a preview.
Engineers examining Saratoga water system
An engineering firm selected to update Saratoga’s Water Master Plan wants to assess the town’s existing water system and then provide suggestions on how to keep it working into the future. Emma Diercks has more.
Celebration spurs Rawlins clean-up efforts
With Celebrations for the 150th anniversary of the Rawlins Territory just weeks away, various groups are in full swing getting ready. One of those teams is looking for the public’s help to spruce up the City of Rawlins prior to the festivities. Cali O’Hare has the details.
Marching band wows Rawlins crowd

Rawlins residents and marching band fans were treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the competition rehearsals of a world class marching corps Thursday. The Oregon Crusaders travel 12,000 miles each summer. Yesterday, their journey to compete in Denver brought them to Outlaw Stadium at Rawlins High School. Cali O’Hare has more.
Video of the impressive performance can be seen here.
Sports: UW Cowgirl basketball players up for award
In a light weekend of sports, Joey Saverine takes a look at what the Rawlins Generals have in store along with a Cowgirl basketball players who up for a national award.