Old Baldy Club water prices to be addressed
The Old Baldy Club and its members currently pays significantly lower prices for its water services than other residents in Saratoga. The Carbon County Impact Joint Powers Board plans to address the sweetheart deal in the coming months. Emma Diercks reports.
Rawlins landfill waving game carcass fee this hunting season

While most landfills and transfer stations across the Cowboy State charge a fee for disposal of harvested game carcasses, the municipal landfill in Rawlins is accepting them free of charge throughout hunting season. Cali O’Hare has the details.

Community meetings will address low enrollment in CCSD2
Carbon County School District Two plans to host community meetings at the end of the month to discuss and start planning for the future of the northern schools that are seeing small enrollment numbers. Emma Diercks reports.

Rawlins Department of Public Works ready for winter
It won’t be long until the snow returns to Carbon County, and in Rawlins, the Department of Public Works is ready for whatever winter may bring. Bigfoot 99’s Cali O’Hare sat down with officials to hear about snow removal efforts in Rawlins. Click here to see Rawlins snow removal plan.
Sports: Playoffs are on the line for county high schools
- Wyoming football look to get back to winning ways.
- Cowboy wrestling opens up practice.
- Broncos detail Rams.