September 20, 2024 |

Photo – Governor Mark Gordon – Bigfoot99 file photo

On Thursday, Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon signed an executive order directing state agencies to prevent and report any attempts by non-Americans to vote in November’s election.

Illegal voting among the 20-million or more foreigners who streamed into the country over the last four years under the lax policies of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris is a major concern across the United States.

Governor Gordon recognized the size and extent of the problem in a statement yesterday announcing the order. “Recognizing the Biden/Harris Administration’s disastrous border policies compel us to do all we can to protect the integrity of our elections,” the governor wrote.

“I, alongside fellow Republican Governors, have taken the action afforded to me by the Constitution and the Laws of Wyoming to confirm the security of Wyoming’s elections.”

The governor added that he is confident that “Wyoming’s elections are the most secure in the nation.”

Governor Gordon has been to the border of Texas and Mexico, over the last several years with U.S. Border Patrol, to witness the illegal flow of immigrants there first-hand.

Wyoming “residents can be confident that this order removes any confusion and clarifies for our agencies – should there be any doubt – that they will not enable or facilitate any noncitizen to register to vote or help them to vote,” the governor said in his statement announcing the executive order.

Executive Order 2024-11 directs State agencies to take a variety of actions to ensure that non-citizens do not vote or register to vote. State agencies may not provide voter registration materials to non-citizens and must confirm that they are not required to provide those materials to non-citizens when contracting with federal programs or agencies.

As he did earlier this year, the Governor continues to urge the legislature to provide clarity on the definition of the term “bona fide resident.” Wyoming’s county clerks have indicated to the Legislature that definition of the term needs clarification.

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