October 14, 2024 |

PHOTO – Swearing in of Trent Wozniak part-time marshal in Hanna – by Matt Copeland Bigfoot99

The Hanna Marshal’s Office has hired another part-time deputy while council members call for more in-town patrols.

In June, after a year and a half of searching, the Hanna town council hired Memorial Hospital of Carbon County Emergency Department Manager Dan Starr as the new marshal. However, due to his other obligations, Starr is only able to serve as a part-time marshal.

At the same time, Roger Hawks resigned his seat on the town council to become a part-time marshal’s deputy. Hawks previously served as the marshal of Medicine Bow until the town cut funding to the department.

At Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, Councilwoman Alice Million asked Marshal Starr if he could perform more in-town patrols. The marshal explained that because both he and Deputy Hawks have full-time jobs, they are unable to spend more time in town than they already do. Marshal Starr said he will attempt to have an officer available to perform vin checks more often.

Councilwoman Million asked Marshal Starr if he could arrange to have either himself or a deputy in town more often. The marshal said he was in the process of increasing his patrol time in Hanna until he became injured.

Marshal Starr hired a second part-time deputy. Trent Wozniak lives in Rawlins and left the Rawlins Police Department to join the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office in March. At Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, Wozniak took the oath of office to become the town’s next part-time deputy.

With the addition of Deputy Wozniak, the Hanna Marshal’s Office now has three part-time officers, with only Deputy Hawks living in the town.

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