October 12, 2023 |

PHOTO – Hanna population sign – Bigfoot99 file photo

The Carbon County Sheriff’s Office was needed to keep the peace at the Hanna town council meeting this week.

The sheriff was present this week after last month’s meeting drew a crowd of around 200 people who showed up to protest an amendment to the town’s existing nuisance code, which went onto fail.

Following last month’s contentious gathering, many residents vowed to continue attending Hanna town council meetings. They did. The crowd was standing room only in the Hanna town hall council chamber. Sheriff Alex Bakken was on hand in case of any unruliness from the crowd.

At the beginning of Tuesday’s meeting, Sheriff Bakken explained to the people that they have the right to voice their concerns during a town council meeting. However, the sheriff said Wyoming state statute 16-4-406, Disruptions of Public Meetings, allows the council to eject anyone who becomes unruly.

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Sheriff Bakken said a unanimous vote is required before a person is removed from a meeting. Responding to a question from an attendee, Sheriff Bakken said the council personally asked him to be present.

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Sheriff Bakken said he didn’t expect anyone to cause a problem.

A member of the audience asked the sheriff if the council members could be ejected under the same state statute. Sheriff Bakken said the council is governed by a different rule set, but they too can be removed from the chamber.

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During the meeting, another member of the audience asked Sheriff Bakken if a person who is removed from the meeting is placed under arrest. The sheriff said not unless they make a scene.

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After the sheriff’s comments, the Hanna town council meeting began. Mayor Jon Ostling asked for a motion to discuss Ordinance 402, an amendment to the town’s employee termination procedure. Councilman Jason Nordquist made the motion. An attendee became upset that he couldn’t hear the council and began to shout.

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Sheriff Bakken asked the man if he was present during his earlier discussion of Wyoming statute 16-4-406. The man said he wasn’t, and Sheriff Bakken attempted to explain that he could be removed for being disruptive. The man argued that the sheriff lacks the power to silence him.

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The man continued to argue with the sheriff. Councilman Roger Hawks motioned to have the man removed from the meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Sheriff Bakken physically removed the man from the building.

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After the man was escorted from the premises, several attendees offered their front row seats to people who were having trouble hearing the council.

The man was not taken into custody. Speaking to Bigfoot99 after the meeting, Sheriff Bakken said the man left on his own.

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