August 16, 2024 |

Photo – Hanna Town Hall – Courtesy google maps

The Hanna town council decided this week to eliminate the citizen’s participation portion of its public meetings.

Anyone who wishes to address the Hanna town council must now be on the agenda.

During Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, while reviewing the agenda, Councilman Bill Dys expressed concern over the removal of the citizen’s participation portion of the meeting. Mayor Jayson Nordquist said the town isn’t required to offer residents a chance to speak without prior knowledge.

Councilman Dys said many residents use the citizen’s participation portion of the meeting to address the town council. He asked when people will be given time to voice their concerns.

Town Clerk Vivian Gonzales said residents must come to town hall and ask to be put on the agenda.

Clerk Gonzales said the council meetings are primarily for making governmental decisions. Hanna isn’t the only municipality to require people to be on the agenda before speaking, said the town clerk.

Of all ten incorporated municipalities in Carbon County, only Elk Mountain and Sinclair require participants to be on the agenda before addressing the council. The remaining towns, except for Hanna, have portions of their town council meetings set aside for members of the public to speak.

Back at Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, Mayor Nordquist said attendees interrupt the meetings too often. The mayor said by eliminating citizen participation, the council can ensure all agenda items are addressed.

Councilman Dys said the town council should let the public know that they will no longer be permitted to speak at meetings. Clerk Gonzales said residents can read the meeting minutes to learn what council discussed.

Mayor Nordquist said he is open to bringing the citizen’s participation portion back, but at the end of the council meeting. As of right now, anyone who wants to address the Hanna town council must be on the agenda first.

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