September 20, 2023 |
Photo – Hanna Town Sign – Bigfoot99 file photo
The Hanna town council votes to strip the mayor of his newly granted ability to sell land within the town.
During the August 8th Hanna town council meeting, Mayor Jon Ostling introduced a resolution to allow him to sell town-owned property. Town Clerk Vivian Gonzales said the resolution would focus on six parcels located south of the H-E-M High School. The section of town, called Medallion Cove, has roughly ten existing homes.
Audio PlayerClerk Gonzales said the resolution still requires the town to undergo the legally required public bidding process. Gonzales said she will advertise the properties available for sale after the bidding process for the town’s unused Crown Victoria has concluded.
Audio PlayerCouncilman Sam Sikes motioned to approve the resolution to authorize the mayor to sell town owned property. The motion carried.
During the September 12th Hanna town council, Mayor Ostling revisited the resolution allowing him to sell town-owned property, specifically in the Medallion Cove neighborhood. Councilman Sikes motioned to remove the mayor’s ability to sell the town’s land. Councilman Bill Dys seconded the motion. The vote was successful.
Audio PlayerBigfoot99 asked Hanna town council members for information related to the decision to rescind Resolution 2023-291. No response has been given at this time.