October 18, 2024 |

Photo – Fire restriction sign – Bigfoot99 file photo

Excessively dry and windy conditions across southern Wyoming have resulted in Stage One fire restrictions on all U.S. Forest Service land.

The Medicine Bow-Routt National Forest is currently under a Stage One fire restriction. U.S. Forest Service Public Affairs Officer Aaron Voos explained that all fires, except those in a metal fire ring, are prohibited.

Voos reiterated that all fires on Forest Service land must be contained in an approved metal fire ring. Consumer grade firepits are forbidden. However, Voos said small propane or butane cook stoves are permitted under the current restrictions.

Voos said Stage One restrictions prohibit hunters camping on Forest Service land from having an open fire. However, if the recent weather forecasts are accurate, Voos said the restrictions may be reduced in the near future.

In the meantime, Voos encouraged hunters to be aware of what agency manages the land where they are hunting. The Forest Service Public Affairs Officer said the Bureau of Land Management and Wyoming Game and Fish may have their own fire restrictions.

Voos said a single day’s worth of rain or snow isn’t guaranteed to lift the Stage One fire restrictions. However, any moisture helps alleviate the fire risk.

Also prohibited on U.S. Forest Service land during a Stage One fire restriction is smoking within three feet of any flammable material, including brush, operating a chainsaw without a properly installed spark arrestor, welding within 10 feet of any flammable material, and explosives of any kind, including fireworks.

Violations of the fire restrictions are punishable by a fine of not more than $5,000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, imprisonment for no more than six months, or both.

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