Rawlins city council may restore nonprofit funding
In an update to a story first reported Bigfoot 99, representatives from nine nonprofit organizations in Rawlins are hoping the city council will restore their funding during tomorrow’s regular meeting.Cali O’Hare has the latest.

New Ryan Park fire station dedicated
The new Ryan Park Fire Station was years in the making. On Sunday, county officials gathered at the new facility for a formal dedication. Emma Diercks was there there and filed this report.
Shirley Basin wind energy project gets green light

The Wyoming Industrial Siting Council announced on Friday that it has issued the construction permit for the TB Flats Wind Energy Project. The permit gives the green light for up to 200 turbines and associated power plant infrastructure in the Shirley Basin. Most of the turbines will be located seven miles north of Medicine Bow, east of State Highway 487 on 52,000 acres of public and private lands. Some of the towering machines will straddle both sides of Wyoming 77, which parallels 487 along a ridge to the west. Construction is set to begin next spring. Up to 500 construction workers will be needed, although most will be from out of state, according to the applicant. Local governments participating in the application process identified $9.3 million worth of impacts to local communities and services. Carbon County will receive up to 72 percent of the maximum $12 million in impact assistance money available for the project. The remainder will go to Albany County. Payment will begin when construction starts. When finished, the power plant will generate up to 500 megawatts of power. The TB Flats project is already in the process of being sold to Rocky Mountain Power, according to the application documents released Friday. The permit was issued July 30th with the Industrial Siting Council saying the applicant had met all the legal requirements.

Cow Plop reeks of success
A few changes to this year’s Cow Plop made the annual event wildly successful. Organizers say this is the first time they have sold out tickets for both grids in years. Bigfoot 99’s Cali O’Hare was there and filed this report.
USFS seeks public comments on long-term vegetation plan
The U.S. Forest Service is taking public comments on a large scale project to address landscape problems and values on the Medicine Bow National Forest. The local ranger’s office in Saratoga is also looking to implement smaller, lower-cost projects, which will also have their own opportunities for public review. Emma Diercks has more.
Sports: Fall camp progress continues for Cowboys
The Cowboys continue their fall camp progressions with good things happening in the passing game. Joey Saverine has the story.