May 31, 2024 |

Photo – Donald Trump – Bigfoot99 file photo

No surprise in the Big Apple. A New York jury found former President Donald Trump guilty on all 34 counts brought by the Democrats who control the city.

The jury arrived at the decision Thursday, following two partial days of deliberations.

Following the verdict, the former President addressed the cameras outside the courtroom. Trump declared his innocence and characterized the trial as being rigged from the top of the nation’s political power structure.

U.S. Senator John Barrasso of Wyoming did not disagree with Trump’s assessment. Senator Barraso said the case against Trump was never about justice. Barrasso said that Democrats weaponized the judicial system against a political opponent.

“Elections are decided in voting booths, not courtrooms,” Senator Barrasso added.

Wyoming’s other U.S. Senator, Cynthia Lummis, agreed. Lummis characterized the trial as “a biased political persecution.”

Even Wyoming Governor Mark Gordan, who many conservatives consider as being too liberal, posted on X that he was disappointed in the verdict. “Voters will chose the next President, not a New York jury,” the governor posted.

Wyoming’s lone congresswoman, Representative Harriet Hagemen, echoed Senator Barrasso’s comments. Hageman characterized the trial as unjust and politically motivated. In a statement following the verdict, Hageman described the trial as a “desperate grasp to win a presidential election that they will ultimately lose.”

Wyoming’s sole representative in the House continued, “The American people will see this for what it is, Donald Trump will ultimately have the verdict overturned on appeal and we must all ensure that this abuse of the legal system is never allowed to happen again.”

Hageman noted that the Judge who oversaw the case, Juan Mercan, is a Democrat activist “whose daughter has made over $9 million from the Biden/Harris campaign.” Hageman, who, herself, is an attorney, wrote in a statement following the case that while presiding over the case, Merchan “blocked key witnesses and facts by the defense and provided slanted jury instructions.”

Representative Hageman predicted that Thursday’s verdict will be overturned on appeal.

Trump told reporters after the verdict was returned that the real verdict will come on Election Day, Nov. 5 and that he’s a “very innocent man.”

The verdict put wind at the backs of liberal broadcasters who crowed over the verdict Thursday afternoon on cable TV news shows.

Meanwhile, WinRed, a political web site that raises money for Donald Trump lost its donation function following the guilty verdict after being overwhelmed by a rush of web traffic.

Trump is expected to appeal the verdict quickly. He’ll hit the campaign trail as a convicted felon. There are no campaign rallies on the calendar for now, though he’s expected to hold fundraisers next week. Judge Merchan, who oversaw the case, set sentencing for July 11, days before the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee.

Meanwhile, the Democrat-orchestrated trial in New York City may have no political impact at all in this year’s Presidential election.

The NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist national poll showed 67% of registered voters, nationally, wouldn’t be swayed by a guilty verdict against Trump, while 15% said it would make them more likely to vote for him. Another 17% said a guilty verdict would make them less likely to vote for Trump.

The poll released Thursday also shows that among independent voters, Trump beats Biden 54% to 42% in November.

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