August 14, 2024 |

Photo – Sources of Strength logo – Courtesy CC Public Health website

Carbon County Public Health is gauging public interest in implementing a new suicide prevention program.

Public Health Community Prevention Specialist Rachel Swanson is asking residents if they would like to hold Sources of Strength meetings in their communities. Swanson said Sources of Strength is a suicide prevention program that focuses on evidence-based methods to teach positive mental health strategies.

In the past, Swanson said she attempted to implement Sources of Strength in Carbon County, but found little interest in the suicide prevention program.

However recent events, such as the suicide of 18-year-old Saratoga resident Ayden Lecureux following a police chase through the Snowy Range, have residents asking for better mental health services. Swanson said she was compelled to revisit the Sources of Strength training.

While Sources of Strength is typically used in schools, Swanson said she believes that implementing the suicide prevention program in towns will be more effective.

To increase the accessibility of the mental health program, Swanson is asking business owners and local organizations to become Sources of Strength partners. A participating entity will host Sources of Strength meetings and events. Swanson said she is still figuring out the best way for the community to become involved in the program.

Swanson said Sources of Strength uses a variety of games and fun activities to promote mental health awareness in young people. The program is made up and ran by members of the community, said Swanson.

Swanson is asking residents across Carbon County to contact her about setting up suicide prevention meetings in their towns. Swanson said each community has its own mental health needs.

Swanson said people across Carbon County struggle with their mental health. By using the Sources of Strength program, Swanson said she hopes to give those residents the tools they need to move past their trauma.

For more information about Sources of Strength, email Carbon County Public Health Community Prevention Specialist Rachel Swanson at

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