August 16, 2024 |

Photo – Rawlins Police Department vehicles – Bigfoot99 file photo

The Rawlins city government will give police officers more options to deal with ordinance violations.

During the August 6th Rawlins city council meeting, City Attorney Pinita Maberry-Nave informed the governing body that she is working with the Rawlins Police Department to create a new category of citation: a fix-it ticket. Instead of being limited to issuing a warning or a fine, Maberry-Nave said officers may instead choose to give the offender time to address the violation.

Maberry-Nave said ten days should work with most peoples’ pay schedules. The city attorney said if a violation isn’t resolved within the time limit, the offender will be issued a fine. Fix-it tickets are often used in other areas of the country, said the attorney.

Rawlins Mayor Terry Weickum said a similar type of citation was used in his hometown of Torrington. Mayor Weickum described how fix-it style tickets could be dismissed if the violation was corrected.

Mayor Weickum expressed his support for the idea. The mayor said the goal is to get problems fixed, not issue fines.

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