September 12, 2024 |

Photo – Rawlins City Hall – Bigfoot99 file photo

Rawlins officials voted to delay enacting stricter liquor license penalties until local business owners weigh in.

During the August 20th Rawlins city council meeting, the governing body voted to impose additional penalties for violations of the city’s alcoholic beverage ordinance. At the meeting, City Attorney Pinita Maberry-Nave explained that the amendment provides the city with more options to punish people who break existing alcoholic beverage laws.

The amendment states that a person who violates any provision of the ordinance, for which no specific penalty is provided, is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of no more than $750, and up to six months in prison, or both. Attorney Maberry-Nave said the city council, the Rawlins Police Department, or the City Attorney’s Office may choose the severity of the assessed penalty.

The city council voted to pass the liquor license ordinance amendment on the second reading. All changes to local regulations must be read and approved at three different public meetings.

On September 3rd, the Rawlins city council met once again. On the agenda was the third and final reading of the liquor license amendment. Instead of passing the agreed upon changes, Councilman Chris Weisenburg motioned to table the ordinance.

Councilman Bruce Seilaff seconded the motion. Councilman Weisenburg explained that he would like to meet with local liquor license holders and get their opinions about the new penalties before passing the ordinance. Until that time, Weisenburg said the council should not vote on the changes.

Mayor Terry Weickum said he agreed with the motion to delay the vote.

The Rawlins city council unanimously voted to table the liquor license ordinance amendment until a workshop can be scheduled. Mayor Weickum assured business owners that they will receive ample notice about the public meeting.

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