March 26, 2024 |

Photo – County Road 401 – Courtesy

County commissioners have agreed to pay for additional safety measures on County Road 401.

During the January 2nd Board of Carbon County Commissioners meeting, Road and Bridge Superintendent Kandis Fritz said the Wyoming Department of Transportation was working close to County Road 401, also known as Sage Creek Road. Fritz asked the board to allow her to request a bid from WYDOT’s contractor, Intermountain Slurry Seal, out of Salt Lake City, Utah, to resurface County Road 401.

The commissioners agreed to allow Fritz to ask for a bid to chip seal Sage Creek Road.

Fast forward two months to the March 19th County Commissioners meeting. Road and Bridge Superintendent Fritz said Intermountain Slurry Seal quoted $1,884,409.60 to chip seal County Road 401. Fritz said the price includes an additional $151,998 to paint a center stripe on the newly resurfaced road.

Fritz said state law does not require County Road 401 to have a center stripe. The road and bridge superintendent said the county could choose not to paint the line, eliminating nearly $152,000 from the total price.

Fritz said next year, the county could apply for a High Risk Rural Roads Program grant through WYDOT to pay for the striping.

The road and bridge superintendent said WYDOT assured her that Intermountain Slurry Seal’s $1.8 million bid is the lowest price the county can expect to receive. Fritz said WYDOT’s contractor is offering a large discount to go directly from Highway 71 to Sage Creek Road.

Commissioner John Johnson asked if removing the centerline stripe on County Road 401 will negatively impact safety. County Attorney Ashley Davis said not having the center stripe may make it more difficult for law enforcement to police the road.

Commissioner John Espy said Sage Creek Road is only used during the summer months. Commissioner Espy said he was comfortable waiting for a WYDOT grant to paint the center lines.

Commission Chairwoman Sue Jones said the county should include the center line striping in the chip sealing contract with Intermountain Slurry Seal. Chairwoman Jones said she supports finishing the entire project at one time.

Commissioner Garrett Irene said the county should save money on the project by eliminating the center line stripe completely. Commissioner Irene said a lack of striping on a more heavily traveled road in the northern part of the county isn’t causing accidents.

Commissioner Johnson said the board is tasked with ensuring the safety of the people of Carbon County. The commissioner said saving $152,000 isn’t worth losing a human life.

The board agreed to pay Intermountain Slurry Seal $1,884,409.60 to chip seal and stripe County Road 401. Road and Bridge Superintendent Fritz said the Salt Lake City-based contractor will begin the county’s project six days after completing Highway 71. Fritz said the company will need to return at an unknown later date to complete the striping.

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