June 6, 2024 |

Photo – Overhead view of proposed bike track and current track – Courtesy Town of Saratoga

Some residents in Saratoga are asking to rebuild the town’s aging BMX track. The bicycle track located on town property is complete with jumps. It is located on West Elm Avenue behind the public library.

During Tuesday night’s Saratoga town council meeting, twelve-year-old Jackson Owen said the existing bike track is unsafe and unsightly.  Owen presented the governing body with a petition, containing 108 names, for the construction of a new track.

Ten-year-old Archer Burau read the petition before the town council. Burau said the children of Saratoga are requesting a new bicycle track. The young lady listed reasons why the town should support the project.

Burau said neighbors living near the existing bike park support the improvement project.

Jackson’s father Ben Owen said the bicycle track was built roughly 20 years ago. The elder Owen said the track was not well constructed.

Seeing the poor state of the park, Owen said he, his son Jackson, and other young people in Saratoga created a petition to improve the track.

Owen, a BMX rider himself, said Malt owner and Planning Commission Chairwoman McCall Burau asked an engineer to examine the property. Owen said the engineer told him that the area is suitable for more types of tracks in the future.

Owen asked the town council to allow him to modify the existing track. The new layout will be suitable for riders of all skill levels, said Owen.

Owen volunteered his time and equipment to rebuild the bike track at no cost to the town. The council members said they approved of the idea.

Councilman Mike Cooley thanked Owen for not asking the town to do all the work.

Mayor Chuck Davis said he likes the idea. However, Mayor Davis told Owen that the property can be sold in the future. Owen said until that time, he would like to have a new bike track.

Mayor Davis said Town Attorney Kylie Waldrip will review the project to ensure the town won’t be held liable for what happens at the bike track. The town council voted to support Owen’s plan on the condition that the town attorney approves the project.

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