August 22, 2024|

Photo – Light post in Saratoga – Bigfoot99 file photo

The town of Saratoga is considering changing its motto and adding tourism destination signs around the area.

The Saratoga town council is preparing to cater more toward tourists with the addition of signs pointing to local points of interest and potentially changing the town’s motto.

During Tuesday’s Saratoga town council meeting, Carbon County Visitor’s Council board member Ellie Dana informed the governing body that the Visitor’s Council is willing to purchase tourism signs. Dana asked the council if they would like to be involved in the sign design process.

Dana presented a list of areas around Saratoga where she thinks destination signs will benefit tourists. The council asked to add Saratoga Lake to the list.

The council also asked for a sign pointing to Shively Field Airport and the Middle High School. Dana said she’ll bring the governing body’s suggestions up to the visitor’s council.

Public Works Director Emery Penner said the Wyoming Department of Transportation requires signs placed within 30 feet of Highway 130 to meet specific safety requirements. Dana said the town can decide where to install the signs at a later date.

Next, Dana asked the governing body if they would like to change the town’s motto. The visitor’s council member said the existing motto, Where the Trout Leap in Main Street, is outdated. Danna suggested a few slogans that she said are more representative of Saratoga, in the present.

Dana explained why she feels Saratoga should market itself as an adventure destination.

Councilwoman Kathy Beck asked if the town could ask residents for suggestions for a new motto. Dana recommended making the survey multiple choice.

Dana said she’ll bring the governing body’s recommendations to the visitor’s council for consideration and present any additional information at a future town council meeting.

Former Platte Valley/Saratoga Chamber of Commerce Director Stacy Crimmins responded to the story that the Carbon County Visitor’s Council wanted the town to abandon its time-tested slogan, “Where the Trout Leap on Main Street, saying, “Our town motto won national attention for the ‘best slogan’ just a few years ago.  After decades of working in the tourism industry, I know that our slogan describes no other town in the nation.  A well-known rule of thumb is to substitute another town’s name in the slogan and see how unique it is.  Try googling ‘trout leap in main street” versus “adventure capital” or another generic phrase.”

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