MARCH 18, 2025|
Photo – Generic image of master plan – Bigfoot99 file photo
In Saratoga, the Platte Valley river-town work continues to focus on walkway improvement projects.
In 2022, Saratoga Planning Commission Chairwoman McCall Burau proposed a plan to build a paved sidewalk connecting Valley Foods to the center of town. At present, there are no pathways linking the southern part of Saratoga to the town center.
Burau brought her idea to the Wyoming Department of Transportation and asked for a grant to fund the sidewalk construction.
Speaking to Bigfoot99 in April of 2023, Planning Commission Chairwoman Burau explained WYDOT was unlikely to approve her grant application until a comprehensive study of the town’s walking infrastructure was completed.
Instead, WYDOT countered with a $200,000 grant offer that requires the town to provide a 10% match from the town. The money paid to hire a consulting firm to investigate the town’s walking paths and suggest improvements.
In October of 2022, the Saratoga town council approved the $20,000 WYDOT grant match, and the Planning Commission hired Denver-based OV Consulting to design a transportation master plan.
Through a series of public meetings and in-person tours of the town, OV Consulting identified 11 walkway improvement projects, including constructing a sidewalk between the schools and library on Elm Avenue, building a walking path between Bridge Street and the Saratoga Hot Springs Resort, and adding crosswalks along Highway 130.
Last September, the governing body voted to officially adopt the Saratoga Transportation Alternatives Master Plan, or STAMP.
The town must now pay for more work.
At the January 7th Saratoga town council meeting, Public Works Director Emery Penner said Wyoming Department of Transportation is offering a grant of up to $1 million that requires another financial match from the town to fund transportation-related improvements. This time the matching payment is 9.75% of the cost, or $975,000.
Penner said WYDOT grant administrators agreed the Elm Avenue and Hot Spring Resort walkways are likely to qualify for funding.
At the same meeting, Mayor Chuck Davis said OV Consulting explored the possibility of constructing a crosswalk across Highway 130, providing pedestrian access from the grocery store to River Street. However, the consulting firm concluded that crossing the highway would be too dangerous.
Public Works Director Penner and Mayor Davis both noted WYDOT was not receptive to any proposed changes to the highway.
The governing body voted to approve a $60,000 contract with the local surveying firm, Engineering Associates, to design walkways along Elm Avenue and the Hot Springs Resort.
Fast forward to the March 4th Saratoga town council meeting. Public Works Director Penner said he spoke with WYDOT District One Engineer Ralph Tarango about the two proposed walking path projects. Penner said the WYDOT engineer supports the plans but couldn’t approve any state funding until the design work was finalized, and construction costs were determined.
Penner did not specify when Engineering Associates is expected to complete the designs for the Elm Avenue and Hot Springs Resort walking paths.