May 31, 2024 |

Photo – Bridge Avenue river access area – Courtesy OV Consulting

The public comment period for Saratoga’s Transportation Alternatives Master Plan has ended. The finished document identifies 11 projects.

In October of 2023, the town of Saratoga received a $200,000 grant from the Wyoming Department of Transportation to perform a comprehensive study of the town’s existing walkways and sidewalks. The study is designed to identify ways that pedestrian access could be improved in the town.

The governing body authorized the hiring of Denver-based OV Consulting to undertake the Transportation Alternatives Master Plan. The company held three public meetings to gather feedback from Saratoga residents on the walkway improvements they would like to see. The final public meeting was held on May 6th.

OV Consulting put together a design draft containing 42 total infrastructure projects. Eleven projects were chosen as the most feasible.

According to the website,, three of the projects are centered around West Elm Avenue.  The first suggestion is to improve the school bus loading zone on the south side of the Saratoga Elementary School.

OV Consulting notes that the current school bus drop-off area lacks proper infrastructure to divide students from passing traffic. A physical barrier could be added between the bus lane and Elm Avenue to protect students.

OV Consulting also recommends adding a crosswalk at the intersection of West Elm Avenue and South 4th Street. They write that the area is a location where people naturally cross the street. A crosswalk would make crossing the street safer and more predictable. Flashing lights could be added to increase visibility.

The third improvement OV Consulting recommends for Elm Avenue is a painted pathway along the side of the street. The design firm writes that a designated walkway will provide a safe space for students who walk and bike between the Middle High School and Elementary School. They suggested using painted lines, panther paws or low-maintenance planter boxes to separate people from traffic.

Through the public meetings, OV Consulting came up with four walkway improvements for Highway 130, running through the center of town.

The big-city design firm recommends adding more traffic control devices to all intersections along the main road. Saratoga has long prided itself on being free of traffic control devices, particularly lights. The company suggests curb extensions and a pedestrian-activated beacon to reduce speeds through the downtown core and improve pedestrian safety.

Along with additional traffic control devices, OV Consulting recommends updating sidewalks and curb ramps to Americans with Disability Act standards along Highway 130 from Hugus Mullison Ditch to Saratoga Avenue. The design firm writes that the project would require partnering with the Wyoming Department of Transportation and would require drainage improvements.

The original purpose of Saratoga’s Transpiration Alternative Master Plan was to investigate the feasibility of building a sidewalk from the center of the town south to Valley Foods. OV Consulting included this project in its list of Highway 130 improvements. The design firm writes that a separated path along the highway connecting the southern residential areas and the grocery store to the town center should be constructed.

OV Consulting did not provide additional information on exactly where the sidewalk should be located.

With the new sidewalk to Valley Foods, OV Consulting also recommends conducting an uncontrolled pedestrian crossing analysis across the highway to Sage Avenue. The design firm writes that the town should consider installing triangular yield markings and enhancing the crosswalk with flashing beacons.

OV Consulting is also suggesting the creation of a new public space where the North Platte River meets East Bridge Avenue. The design firm writes that the area behind the Outhouse Gift Shop could be a low maintenance public space that invites people to sit and enjoy the sights and sounds of the Platte River. Improvements could range from concrete walks, seat-steps, wayfinding, private property signage, benches, and waste receptacles.

OV Consulting also suggests general signage improvements on and around Veteran’s Island.

The design firm emphasizes placing signage along the Veteran’s Island Recreational Loop, guiding pedestrians seamlessly from downtown to the Hobo Hot Pools and through the Veteran’s Island Park. Future wayfinding signs could blend with the town’s character, including themes around the river or fish jumping into Main Street.

The Saratoga Transportation Alternatives Master Plan suggests general improvements to the Hobo Hot Pools. OV Consulting recommends improving river access and circulation by the hot pool through the use of accessibility and wayfinding improvements to the Platte River Bridge from the Cypress Avenue parking area, south of the hot springs.

The design firm concluded their project list by recommending the area around the boat ramp be renovated. OV Consulting writes that aesthetic improvements to reduce flooding into the vehicular circulation area, as well as ensuring safe passing for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles with boats is needed.

None of OV Consulting’s projects are guaranteed to happen. The Transportation Alternatives Master Plan was simply to identify the most requested improvements to the town’s walking infrastructure.

The next step is for OV Consulting to present the Saratoga Planning Commission and town council with more concrete information on how the town will pay for the improvements.

For more information about the Saratoga Transportation Alternatives Master Plan, visit The wish-list of ideas for improvements on the company’s web site do not carry any projected costs.

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