April 8, 2024 |

Photo – Spillman Law Enforcement CAD System – Courtesy Motorola

The Carbon County County Commissioners have agreed to split the cost of an automatic mapping system with the Rawlins Police Department.

During last week’s regular commissioners meeting, Sheriff Alex Bakken asked for authorization to enter into a purchase agreement with Motorola and the Rawlins Police Department. The contract is for an automated Geographic Information System. A GIS is a map that contains various types of data, such as satellite imagery and elevation models.

Sheriff Bakken said the agreement will allow Motorola to automatically update the GIS maps used by law enforcement officers, called Spillman. The sheriff said the county planning and development office used to manually update the maps deputies used to locate emergency calls.

Sheriff Bakken said if the board approves the contract, Motorola will take over all GIS updates for Carbon County. The sheriff said having up-to-date maps helps his deputies respond to emergencies faster.

Sheriff Bakken said he would like to include the Rawlins Police Department in the agreement. The sheriff said having the Rawlins PD on board will halve the cost of the system and make sure that both entities are working with the same information.

Sheriff Bakken said the county has $10,000 in Gateway South impact assistance funding set aside for GIS updates. The sheriff said the county would need to cover the remaining $16,232 using E911 money.

Commissioner John Johnson asked Sheriff Bakken if Motorola is the only company offering the service. Because Motorola owns Spillman, the sheriff said the two systems are compatible, eliminating equipment upgrades.

Responding to a question from Commissioner John Espy about GIS updates and costs, Sheriff Bakken said the county will be required to pay half of the annual fee of $52,464.

The sheriff said the county can end the contract at its discretion.

County Attorney Ashely Davis asked Sheriff Bakken if he had an official agreement to split the cost of the Motorola GIS services between the county and the city of Rawlins. The sheriff said after the board approves the agreement, he will work with the Rawlins Police Department on a Memorandum of Understanding and create a shared invoice.

The board voted to enter into a purchase agreement between Motorola and the Rawlins Police Department. The county will pay $26,232, with $10,000 coming from impact assistance funds and the remaining $16,232 being paid with E911 money. The contract is for one year of automatic GIS updates.

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