August 26, 2024 |

Photo – Bottle tagged with Underage Drinking – Courtesy Google Images

Rawlins officials are working to give the city more ways to punish alcohol violations.

At the August 20th Rawlins city council meeting, the governing body voted to impose additional penalties on businesses for violations of the city’s alcoholic beverage ordinance. City Attorney Pinita Maberry-Nave explained that the amendment provides the city with more options to penalize people who break existing alcoholic beverage laws.

The amendment states that a person who violates any provision of the ordinance, for which no specific penalty is provided, would be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of no more than $750, and up to six months in prison, or both.

The amended ordinance was read for the first time during the August 6th city council meeting. The city attorney said this duplicates Wyoming state law. Under the new ordinance, the city may legally punish violators even if they do not hold a valid Rawlins liquor license.

Councilman Chris Weisenburg asked if the amendment includes a provision to institute harsher punishments for multiple violations. Attorney Maberry-Nave said the city council, the Rawlins Police Department, or the City Attorney’s Office may choose the severity of the assessed penalty.

At the August 20th Rawlins city council meeting, the governing body approved the amended alcoholic beverage ordinance on the second reading. All changes to city ordinance must be read three times during three separate public meetings before being adopted into law. The final reading of the amendment is likely to occur during the next city council meeting, scheduled for September 3rd.

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