June 14, 2024 |

Photo – Mayor Pro-Tem Nordquist swears in new Hanna Marshal Dan Starr – By Matt Copeland Bigfoot99

The Town of Hanna has a new Marshal after a long vacancy.

For the past year and a half, the town of Hanna has been without a marshal. The previous marshal, Ted Kranenberg left to join the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office in March of 2023.

Since then, the town has been searching for a replacement. Hanna’s governing body blamed the lack of qualified candidates on the town’s remote location and the job’s apparently low wages.

The search for a new Hanna marshal has finally come to an end. During Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, Memorial Hospital of Carbon County Emergency Department Manager Dan Starr was sworn in as the part-time marshal by Mayor Pro Tem Jayson Nordquist.

Marshal Starr also serves as a part-time police officer for the town of Saratoga and will continue to hold that position, as well.

Also at Tuesday’s Hanna town council meeting, Councilman Roger Hawks resigned his seat on the council to become Marshal Starr’s part-time deputy. Mayor Nordquist read Hawks’s letter of resignation.

Hanna Town Clerk Vivian Gonzales said either Marshal Starr or Deputy Marshal Hawks will respond to in-town emergency 911 calls. If neither officer is available, Clerk Gonzales said the sheriff’s department will send someone out.

The Hanna town council thanked Marshal Starr for agreeing to police the town and Deputy Marshal Hawks for his time on the council.

The town is now accepting letters of interest for Hawks’ former council seat. The term expires in 2026. Clerk Gonzales asked residents to submit their letters of interest by July 5th.

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