Rawlins City Council will spend natural gas funds on community events

While officials in Saratoga are considering how to spend the town’s Wyoming Community Gas money, the Rawlins City Council designated its funds from the natural gas provider more than six months ago, at the same time it designated 2017’s funds. Cali O’Hare reports.
Saratoga officials working to develop RV park ordinance

The Saratoga Planning Commission focused on an ordinance to permit RV parks in residential zones Tuesday evening. This work comes after the Town Council approved a similar ordinance on mobile home parks last month. Emma Diercks reports.
Rawlins candidates answer tough questions at public forum
The first round of political forums at the Carbon County Higher Education Center this week featured candidates running for a variety of offices. Bigfoot 99’s Cali O’Hare looks at the contested races for Ward III and the At-Large seats on Rawlins City Council.
Party on the Platte raises $67K for community center
The Party on the Platte, held last month, brought in about three thousand dollars more than it did last year. Proceeds from the fundraiser will go toward continuing to maintain the Platte Valley Community Center. Emma Diercks reports.
Sports: Saratoga volleyball wraps up regular season with tough conference match-ups

More Highlights:
- Wyoming football details Fresno State.
- Cowboy golfers place 6th in Colorado.
- Cowgirl volleyball looking to re-write the record books.
- Broncos look to improve in all phases of the game.