Today’s Headlines:
- Late last week, Union Telephone crews trenched large runs of fiber optic cable on rights-of-way along state highways 130 and 230 at the south end of the Platte Valley. While the new technology will serve Brush Creek Ranch, who requested and paid for the service, officials say the upgrade ultimately will improve phone, data, and internet streaming capabilities of its other customers in the area.
- The Rawlins City Council, this week, discussed potential ordinances that would regulate when and where recreational vehicles can be parked on public streets. This time around, the focus was restricting RV parking along snow routes.
- In Saratoga, Town Council approved, on Tuesday, a request by Bridge Street Bargains to assist the Community Garden Board in using USDA grant money to put a pollinator bed at Odd Fellow Park.
- As part of an annual preparedness drill, Carbon County residents are encouraged to participate in the today’s Great Wyoming Shakeout, which aims to increase awareness of protecting yourself in the event of a major earthquake.
- The HEM volleyball team has put together a nice string of wins heading into a big conference weekend.