June 14, 2024 |

Photo – Congressional Baseball For Charity logo – Courtesy Facebook

In Washington, D.C. on Thursday, Wyoming Senator John Barrasso stood to the right of presidential candidate Donald Trump following a meeting with the National Republican Senatorial Committee. Wyoming junior Senator Cynthia Lummis also stood at the podium as the former president delivered remarks following their meeting. Trump vowed to restore “common sense” to Washington politics.

Senator Barrasso played a role in putting yesterday’s meeting together. Also in the meeting were National Republican Senate Committee Chairman Steve Daines of Montana, and Senators Josh Hawley of Missouri, J.D. Vance—Ohio, Roger Marshall—Kentucky, Ted Cruz—Texas, and Chuck Grassley—Iowa.

Republicans have an opportunity to put together a strong majority in the senate. Currently, Democrats and the independents who caucus with them hold a one seat 51-49 majority over Republicans. The GOP would need a net gain of one seat to take control of the upper chamber, which would give a Republican vice-president a tie-breaking vote.

Earlier Thursday in Washington, D.C., Trump met with House Republicans at the Capitol Hill Club.

The meeting was described variously as “high-energy” and “unifying.”

Yesterday’s meetings followed Wednesday’s Congressional Baseball Game, in which Republicans trounced Democrats 31-11.  Republican Team manager Rep. Roger Williams (R-TX) gifted Trump, who celebrates his 78th birthday today, with a ball and bat from the contest.

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