USFS shares plans for Medicine Bow projects
The U.S. Forest Service has released its draft decision and final environmental impact statement for the Medicine Bow National Forest Landscape Vegetation Analysis. The first of the projects under the LAVA decision are anticipated to trigger later this year.

Selective ordinance enforcement draws criticism in Rawlins
The practice of selectively enforcing ordinances, which Rawlins City Council openly admits is standard procedure, drew criticism at last Tuesday’s meeting.
Critics said the practice allows police to play favorites, ultimately undermining respect for the law and contributing to at least the appearance of a culture of cronyism at city hall. Cali O’Hare has the story.
Saratoga aims to hire part-time zoning officer
The Saratoga Town Council will advertise for a part-time zoning officer. The position will be reevaluated for the 2019 to 2020 fiscal year. Emma Diercks reports on how the town will go about filling the vacant position.
Outlaw kickers ready for upcoming showdown with Riverton
- Wyoming football ready for spring game despite injuries
- Broncos keep draft predictions quiet
- Rockies injury update