Library system director updates commissioners
The Carbon County Library Board of Directors is developing a new strategic plan for the system.
As part of that process, the library’s executive director came before county commissioners last week to discuss the ways communities can support their local branch. Cali O’Hare reports.
Speed limit changes could be coming to 13th Street
The Town of Saratoga is considering establishing a school speed zone by the Head Start Preschool on 13th Street.
The police department hopes to slow down traffic along the road. Emma Diercks has the story.

Public works department approved for new purchases
Rawlins City Council last week awarded three bids totaling more than $150,000 to purchase of new equipment for the public works department. Cali O’Hare has more.
Officials consider Hannah transfer station
At the north end of the county, the High Country Joint Powers Board wants to build a transfer station at Hanna. The plan calls for the facility to open when the town’s landfill closes next July.
Municipal trash collected there would then be hauled to the regional landfill in Laramie. The County Planning and Zoning Commission has recommended that county commissioners approve a conditional use permit for the transfer station. Emma Diercks has more.
Sports: LSR comes up big in season opener
It was a great start to the football season for Little Snake River as they came up with a big victory. Joey Saverine has the story.
More Highlights:
- Cowboy football looks to shore up multiple holes after win over Texas State
- Cowgirl soccer and volleyball teams get wins
- Pokes in the Pros: A look at week 1