Shooting incident victim in stable condition after surgery
The victim of Monday’s random shooting incident at Cherokee Meadows underwent a successful, three-hour surgery Monday night. A family member told Bigfoot 99 that surgeons found and removed the bullet slug behind the kneecap of Mackenzie Rakness. Three screws were inserted. Rakness was shot in her kitchen, the victim of two men who were shooting targets in a rural subdivision apparently without regard for the danger to nearby neighbors. Rakness’ one-year-old son was in the house at the time of the shooting, but was unharmed. Sheriff Archie Roybal said in a release yesterday that two local men were taken into custody and transported to the county jail without incident after police arrived in the scene east of Riverside. Roybal identified the pair as John Steeley and Scott Drumm. Roybal said a sweep of the area turned up no other injuries. Rakness is reported in stable condition.

Officials and residents gather to dedicate new Ekola Bridge
Officials from Rocky Mountain Power and county residents celebrated the dedication of the new Ekola Bridge on County Road 121. The ceremony also included remembrances of the Ekola family, who settled the area in 1904. Emma Diercks attended the event and filed this story.
Old Pen tours part of Rawlins Territory celebration
Festivities for the 150th Anniversary of the Rawlins Territory are in full swing. The state prison has been located in Rawlins for more than 130 of those 150 years. To honor this history, the Wyoming Frontier Prison, in partnership with the Wyoming State Penitentiary, will host the first ever Prison Day next week.The interactive guided tours will bring visitors closer than ever to the history behind the Old Pen. Cali O’Hare has the details.
Rawlins High School’s Best Buddies wins big honors
The Rawlins High School Best Buddies Chapter continues to earn international recognition after a successful inaugural year. Seventeen students recently represented RHS at the annual Best Buddies International Conference at Indiana State University, where they won the Most Outstanding Chapter award. Cali O’Hare reports.
Sports: Saratoga cowboy preps for NRCHA futurity on the road
A recent horse shoe in Texas puts a high school cowboy from Saratoga to the test. Matthew Kerbs has the story.