Saratoga agrees to Little League partnership
The Saratoga Town Council and the Platte Valley Little League have finally reached an agreement that allows families to restore the municipal baseball fields for games this spring. A memorandum of understanding was approved unanimously. Emma Diercks has the story.

Sprinkler floods ICU room at MHCC
A broken sprinkler head resulted in the flooding of an empty patient room on the ICU floor of Memorial Hospital of Carbon County Tuesday afternoon.
Hospital administrators say the incident was handled swiftly, and assured Bigfoot 99 that at no time were any patients at risk. Cali O’Hare reports.

CCSD1 aims to improve English program
Carbon County School District One is looking to improve its English Language Arts curriculum with the goal of helping students perform higher on state assessments.
Administration plans to bring recommended resources to the school board before the end of the academic year. Emma Diercks reports.

Rawlins recovering from storm
Another winter storm is on the way. In Rawlins, the city streets department is still digging out from the last one that dropped nearly a foot of snow. Cali O’Hare has the latest on the battle against Mother Nature.
Sports: Roster selection made for Wyoming-Nebraska 6-Man shootout
- Cowboy basketball falls to Boise State in final seconds
- Cowgirl basketball looks to sweep BSU in Idaho tonight
- Wyoming native Logan Wilson gets invite to NFL Combine