Snow drifts wreak havoc on Rawlins streets
Following several days of intermittent snow fall and powerful winds, snow removal efforts within the City of Rawlins are ongoing. Cali O’Hare reports on the round the clock efforts to clear city streets.
CCSD1 exploring addition of school resource officer
Carbon County School District One is taking a deep look into school safety. In addition into new camera installations, the district continues to explore plans for a school resource officer. Emma Diercks has the story.

Board of Adjustments and Planning Commission recommending municipal code changes in Rawlins
The Board of Adjustments and the Planning Commission both recently provided annual updates to the Rawlins City Council. Cali O’Hare reports that the panels are recommending two changes to municipal code could be big.

Classic Air Medical and SCWEMS answer questions at public meeting
Classic Air Medical and SCWEMS hosted the first of several public meetings Tuesday evening to answer questions about their partnership. Emma Diercks was at the meeting and filed this report.
Sports: Panther basketball team continues 1A winning streak
- Wyoming basketball to host Fresno State
- Cowgirl basketball heads west to take on top tier lady Bulldogs.
- Wyoming football signs 6th best Texas quarterback.