Colorado bull rider dies from Saratoga rodeo injuries
A bull rider from Colorado died hours after suffering injuries during a sanctioned event at the Platte River Rodeo in Saratoga Saturday night. Emma Diercks reports.

Rawlins moves forward with road rehab
In Rawlins, residents will begin seeing improvements to neighborhood streets by the end of July. Last week, City Council awarded the contract for the rehab work to STC Construction of Cheyenne. Cali O’Hare has the story.
Haynes denies Colorado residency allegations
Taylor Haynes, the maverick candidate in the Republican primary race for governor, is brushing off charges that he does not live in Wyoming. Questions about his residency first appeared last week in an article published by WyoFile, an internet news platform. The article, written by Andrew Graham, states that Albany County Attorney Peggy Trent is investigating a complaint that the rental address in Laramie that Haynes has on record with the secretary of State’s Office in his filing papers is a false front. The article suggests that Haynes lives in Colorado on a ranch that straddles the state line near Woods Landing. Haynes rejected the charge in a video published on his campaign website over the weekend.
Early voting for the August 21st primary got underway Friday. Meanwhile, a poll conducted in mid-June by the University of Wyoming shows that most voters – 35 percent – are still undecided about the race.
Rawlins City Council reviews nonprofit defunding
In an update to the story we had for you yesterday, officials at Rawlins City Hall are scrambling to do damage control after the allegations they made about nonprofits being out of compliance and unresponsive to notices appears unfounded. The allegations by city staff led council members to unanimously kill fourth quarter funding to 10 agencies. Cali O’Hare has the latest.

Saratoga moves forward with new flood ordinance
In June, the Saratoga Planning Commission was presented with options for a new ordinance addressing flood damage prevention. Workshops with the Town Council are planned for later this month to determine what language to adopt. Emma Diercks has more.
Sports: Will Allen start in Buffalo?
Joey Savarine gives an update on how former Wyoming Cowboy Josh Allen is progressing.