Rawlins road repair update
Last week, the City of Rawlins fired up its hot-mix plant and began patching potholes. The repair work was called off yesterday because of the spring storm that dropped more than two inches of heavy, wet snow on the ground.
The drastic change in weather forced the Rawlins streets crew to abandon the warm-weather work and put the snow plows back on the street. Cali O’Hare reports.
Drivers in Rawlins will also face another challenge. The on-ramp to Westbound Interstate 80 at Cedar Street will be closed for the next eight weeks.
The extended closure is part of a $4.6 million project to improve the road surface along six mile stretch of the interstate in that area. Highway crews are repairing concrete slabs and rehabilitating bridges. WYDOT announced the closure yesterday.
The highway department advises drivers to detour east to Sinclair to access westbound I-80 or west through Rawlins to the Spruce Street interchange.

Trial for Saratoga man begins
The case of a Saratoga man accused of felony interference with a police officer during a DUI arrest last summer went to trial Tuesday.
The witnesses prosecutors brought to the stand yesterday testified that while they saw Chris Shannon resist arrest they did not see him strike the officer. Emma Diercks was in the courtroom and filed this report.

County museum launches education summer camps
It’s a summer camp with a historical twist: Under a new education director, the Carbon County Museum in Rawlins is launching a series of interactive and educational summer camps.
The history of Carbon County will be highlighted in the camps. Registration opened this morning, but space is limited. Cali O’Hare has more.
Sports: Burt Willford Memorial Invite recap
The Saratoga track team is coming off a solid performance at their annual event and will now look ahead to the final meet of the regular season. Joey Saverine has the story.
More Highlights:
- Wyoming football: Receiving group makes much needed improvements at Spring Camp
- Wyoming golf places three in the top 15 at Mountain West Championships
- Former Cowboy Jacob Hollister traded to Seattle Seahawks
- Broncos add kicker for off-season workouts