Sixth penny tax passes by a landslide
The optional sixth penny specific purpose tax passed Tuesday. Only 1,600 people turned out, and 75 percent of them voted yes. The additional one percent sales and use tax will start being charged in October. Emma Diercks has the details.
Click here for more information about the Sixth Penny Specific Purpose Tax

CCSD1 revising suicide prevention policy
Carbon County School District One has spent the last five months revamping the district suicide prevention policy.
Yesterday, they presented the draft document to the Carbon County Alliance for Drug Endangered Children for feedback before it goes to the district’s board of trustees for consideration later this month. Cali O’Hare was at Tuesday’s meeting and filed this report.
If you or a loved one are struggling and need help, confidential and free support is available at suicidepreventionlifeline.org

CCSD1 installing security cameras on campuses
Carbon County School District One is will spend $860,000 dollars to purchase and install security at each of its five campuses. Emma Diercks has that story.

RPD hosts open house next week
In 1962, President John F. Kennedy signed a proclamation designating May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day and the week in which it falls as National Police Week.
In Rawlins, the Police Department will hold its own special ceremony and open house next week. Cali O’Hare has the details.

Hanna students host annual wax museum event
Hanna Elementary 4th graders will take on the identities of people who famously impacted the area during a wax museum presentation on Thursday. Among the historical figures students will showcase is the man for whom the Town of Hanna is named. Emma Diercks reports.
Sports: Miner’s riding hot streak
The H.E.M track team is peaking at the right time as they’ll head to the 1A East Regional hosted in Sheridan. Joey Saverine has the story.