Saratoga officials accuse doctor of stealing nearly $10,000 of clinic equipment
A list of items shared with Bigfoot 99 shows that the Town of Saratoga is accusing Dr. Brian Kaiser of taking almost $10,000 worth of equipment and other items from the Platte Valley Medical Center before surrendering his practice there last month. Emma Diercks has the story.

Healthcare companies propose joint management plan for Rawlins hospital
Representatives from two different healthcare companies traveled to Rawlins Monday to give a joint management presentation to the local steering committee looking at possible changes in how Memorial Hospital of Carbon County is run.
Under their joint proposal, Intermountain Healthcare, based out of Salt Lake City, Utah, would manage the administrative side of the facility, while Casper-based Wyoming Medical Center would oversee the medical and surgical units. Cali O’Hare was at the meeting and filed this report.
State Engineer Tyrrell announces retirement
State Engineer Pat Tyrrell will retire early next year. Tyrrell has served as Wyoming’s top water official under four governors. The Wyoming State Engineer’s duties are spelled out in the Wyoming constitution, and range from overseeing the permitting and adjudication of water rights, regulation of the use of water under the doctrines of prior appropriation and beneficial use, as well as representing the state on numerous interstate compact commissions. The Sate Engineer also represents the Western States Water Council among other groups.
In a statement announcing the retirement, Governor Matt Mead said Tuesday that Tyrrell has served his role with distinction since first being appointed to the office in 2001. Tyrrell has indicated that he will consult with Governor-elect Mark Gordon during the upcoming legislative session.
Officials drafting legislation for Wilderness Study Areas
The Wyoming County Commissioners Association has started framing into legislative language the recommendations received from the Wyoming Public Lands Initiative on Wilderness Study Areas. Meanwhile, in Washington D.C., a bill proposed by U.S. Representative Liz Cheney to remove Wilderness Study Areas in three Wyoming Counties recently passed the House Committee on Natural Resources. Emma Diercks has the details on these two developments.
Sports: Final Cowboy win sweet for senior RB Nico Evans
- Cowboy basketball tips off in Indiana this evening.
- Cowgirls win thriller over Montana State.
- Broncos pleased with win, but want to play better defense.