Abrupt Saratoga Town Council meeting shrouded in mystery
In Saratoga, the reasons behind last night’s abbreviated council meeting remain a mystery. While some speculate it was related to ongoing questions surrounding the town’s financial affairs, one councilman told Bigfoot 99 that a computer had been confiscated from town hall by outside authorities.
Whatever the reason, normal procedures were scrubbed from the agenda and the meeting was gaveled to a close in less than three minutes.
After adjourning, the mayor and other officials disappeared behind closed doors without answering questions. Emma Diercks reports.

Deer culling to begin in Rawlins
Starting next month, the City of Rawlins will move forward with a plan to thin out the urban deer herd that has grown so large it has become a public safety problem.
After years of deliberation, city council adopted the urban deer management plan recommended by a committee in May 2019.
Cali O’Hare reports on what happens next now that the city as acquired the necessary Chapter 56 permit from Wyoming Game and Fish.
Click here to view the City of Rawlins Deer Management Plan
Click here for more information from the Urban Deer Management Committee

Lawmakers work to remove cap on special education funding
In Cheyenne last week, the legislative joint education committee voted to support a bill that would remove the cap on special education funding.
The draft legislation is being readied for the session that begins in February. Emma Diercks has the local angle.

Daley Street undergoing repairs this week
In Rawlins, crews are digging up several portions of Daley Street to replace subgrade material that failed.
Officials say they caught the problem early, and the repairs should be finished by the end of the week. Cali O’Hare reports.
Sports: LSR defense dominates for fourth week in a row
Little Snake River football improved to 4-0 on the year, and did it in fine fashion once again. Joey Saverine reports.
More Highlights:
- Cowboy football to get healthy during bye week
- Broncos to shore up lack of tackling efforts