May 20, 2024 |

Photo – Rubber Check Race in Kimball County Nebraska – Facebook

Encampment search and rescue volunteers are hosting an unusual fundraising race to purchase emergency equipment and training.

On Saturday, June 29th, Carbon County Search and Rescue volunteers are holding a horse, ATV, and wheelbarrow relay race at the Lions Club Arena in Encampment. The event is called the Carbon County Rubber Check Race.

Search and Rescue volunteer Sam Buffington said a rubber check race consists of two teams of four racing around a track. Each team member must pass a baton to the next racer. The first two members of each team are on horseback, the second racers ride ATVs, and the final members will push the ATV riders across the finish line in wheelbarrows. Buffington said skilled teams can complete the entire relay in less than two minutes.

Buffington said all ticket sales will be donated to Carbon County Search and Rescue. As a search and rescue volunteer, Buffington said many of the members use their own equipment when performing search and rescue operations.

The Carbon County Rubber Check Race will help purchase needed supplies and training classes for the county’s search and rescue team.

Buffington said she fell in love with rubber check racing while living in Cheyenne. The search and rescue volunteer said she thinks Carbon County residents will also enjoy the wacky event.

Buffington said she is hoping to have at least eight teams participate in next month’s rubber check races. Putting on a large event isn’t cheap, though. Buffington said she is looking for sponsors to help pay for prize money. The search and rescue volunteer said sponsorship levels are broken up into three tiers depending on the donation amount: bronze, silver, and gold.

Buffington said she is still accepting event sponsors.

The first ever Carbon County Rubber Check Race is Saturday, June 29th, at the Lions Club Area in Encampment.

The event starts at 5:00pm. Tickets are $15 per person. Kids 12 and under are free. All proceeds from ticket sales will go to Carbon County Search and Rescue.

The entry fee is $100 per team. Registration ends on June 28th at 6:00pm.

Buffington is seeking volunteers to help with next month’s event.

For more information about the Carbon County Rubber Check Race, call Sam Buffington at 640-8172 or visit the Carbon County Rubber Check Race Facebook page.

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