November 22, 2022 |

You are welcome to Wyoming, but you are not invited to the steal the “Welcome to Wyoming” signs.

WYDOT reports an increase in stolen highway signs across southeast Wyoming. The favorite targets are “Welcome to Wyoming” or “Entering Wyoming.” All the other signs are being pilfered, too, including stop signs and road signs.

The state highway agency said in a statement Monday that stolen signs can lead to crashes and can pose dangerous conditions to travelers.

The large “Welcome to Wyoming” signs cost upwards of $2,000-$3,000 to manufacture and replace, while the smaller “Welcome to Wyoming” signs range from $1,500-$2,000. Stealing either is a felony crime punishable up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine.

Defacing signs with stickers or markings also damages state property and can carry a fine if caught.

To report a stolen or missing sign, you are advised to call WYDOT’s Laramie District office at (307) 745-2127.

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